Dr. Jacob L. Turumin (Iakov L. Tyuryumin), MD, PhD, DMSci, 04.23.1960, at present works as a senior research worker in the Irkutsk Institute of Surgery (Scientific Centre of Reconstructive-Restorative Surgery, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Director of the Scientific Centre is corresponding member of RAMS, Professor, E.G. Grigoriev, MD, PhD).
In 1991 Turumin J.L. successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: “Role of cholestanol in the pathogenesis of cholesterol cholelithiasis
In 1996 the new model of the pathogenesis of cholesterol cholelithiasis was first presented at the XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application" (Freiburg, Germany, 1996).
In 2000 he defended his Doctor's degree thesis: “Mechanism of development of morphological-functional disturbances in the gallbladder and liver in the pathogenesis of cholesterol cholelithiasis”.
In 2007 a new algorithm of pathogenetic treatment of the biliary diseases was first presented at Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology (Dresden, Germany, 2007).
At present algorithm of pathogenetic treatment of the biliary diseases is being clinical tested in clinical centers of Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Czechia, Austria, Great Britain, Sweden, Lithuania, Russia, Belorussia, Israel, Greece, Turkey, India, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, USA, and Canada.
In general, as a result of the scientific activity, 182 scientific works have been published, 6 patents, 2 monographs, 64 abstracts were presented on 23 international congresses and symposiums.
In 2001-2005 Dr. Jacob L. Turumin worked at the Oncology Department of Irkutsk State Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors as an assistant, an assistant professor, and a professor.
In 2005-2006 Dr. Jacob L. Turumin worked as the Deputy Chief Officer of the Center of Immunotherapy and Cellular Technologies (Kaliningrad).
Main scientific results were presented at:
- 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (Paris, France, 2007).
- Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007 (Kobe, Japan, 2007);
- Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology” (Dresden, Germany, 2007);
- XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology (Oostende, Belgium, 2007);
- XII Japan-Russian Medical Exchange Symposium (Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2005);
- ХII World Congress of Gastroenterology (Montreal, Canada, 2005);
- The Eleventh International Symposium of the Japan-Russia Medical Exchange 2004 (Niigata, Japan, 2004);
- 40th Annual Meeting of Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 15th Annual Meeting of Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (Vancouver, Canada, 1999).
- 8th International Congress of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999);
- 11th World Congress of Gastroenterology (Vienna, Austria, 1998);
- 3rd World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (Madrid, Spain, 1998);
- XV International Bile Acid Meeting “Bile Acids and Cholestasis” (Titisee, Germany, 1998);
- XIX Congress of the Latin American Federation of the International College of Surgeons (La Paz, Bolivia, 1997);
- XXX World Congress of the International College of Surgeons (Kyoto, Japan, 1996);
- XIV International Bile Acids Meeting “Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases – Basic Research and Clinical Application” (Freiburg, Germany, 1996);
- IV Japan-Russian Medical Exchange Symposium (Irkutsk, Russia, 1996);
- Falk Symposium No. 84: “Bile acids – Cholestasis – Gallstones” (Berlin, Germany, 1995);
- 2nd International Conference on Gallstones: Causes and Management (Tel Aviv, Israel, 1995);
- XIX Congress of the International College of Surgeons (Tenerife, Spain, 1995);
- The 1995 Winter Conference of United States Section of International College of Surgeons “Supercharge Your Practice” (Puerto Rico, USA, 1995);
- XIII International Bile Acid Meeting “Bile Acids in Gastroenterology: Basic and Clinical Advances” (San Diego, USA, 1994);
- 10th Congress of Gastroenterology (Los Angeles, USA, 1994);
- 41th Annual Postgraduate Course and Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Disease “Biliary Lipids, Proteins and Gallstone Formation” (Chicago, USA, 1990);
Main scientific publications:
- Golubev S.S., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Raevskaja L.Ju. Increased level of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in the gallbladder wall of patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis // 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (Paris, France, 2007). - Gut. - 2007. - Vol. 56. - Suppl. 3; Endoscopy. - Vol. 29. - Suppl. 1: P. 280 Abstr. G-446.
- Turumina H.E., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. Decreased portal blood flow in the patients with biliary diseases // 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (Paris, France, 2007). - Gut. - 2007. - Vol. 56. - Suppl. 3; Endoscopy. - Vol. 29. - Suppl. 1: P. 280 Abstr. G-447.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V. Functional disorders of hepatobiliary system in the patients with biliary diseases // 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (Paris, France, 2007). - Gut. - 2007. - Vol. 56. - Suppl. 3; Endoscopy. - Vol. 29. - Suppl. 1: P. 280 Abstr. G-448.
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. Clinical effects of the pathogenetic treatment of patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis // 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (Paris, France, 2007). - Gut. - 2007. - Vol. 56. - Suppl. 3; Endoscopy. - Vol. 29. - Suppl. 1: P. 280 Abstr. G-449.
- Kulinsky V.I., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Leonova Z.A. The changes of the blood glutathione system in patients with biliary diseases // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A162 (P-060).
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M., Utyasheva E.B. The serum lipid concentrations in patients with biliary diseases // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A163 (P-061).
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. The clinical aspects of the pathogenetic treatment of patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A163 (P-062).
- Turumina H.E., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. The changes of the portal blood flow in patients with biliary diseases // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A164 (P-066).
- Golubev S.S., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Raevskaja L.Ju. High expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in the gallbladder wall of patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A164 (P-067).
- Kosilko S.A., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. The immunological changes in patients with biliary diseases // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A164 (P-068).
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V. The functional state of hepato-biliary system in patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis and nonfunctioning gallbladder // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A254 (P-088).
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V. The functional state of hepato-biliary system in patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis in the stage of exacerbation // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A265 (P-089).
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. Restoration of the functional and metabolic state of the hepato-biliary system in patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis after pathogenetic treatment // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A255 (P-090).
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V. The alteration of the functional state of hepato-biliary system in patients with biliary disease // Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2007. - Kobe, Japan, 2007. - Abstr. A255 (P-091).
- Kosilko S.A., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. Increase of the serum IgA and circulating immune complexes in the patients with biliary diseases // Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology. - Dresden, Germany, 2007. - Abstr. P. 14.
- Kulinsky V.I., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Leonova Z.A. Increase of the blood glutathione in the patients with biliary diseases // Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology. - Dresden, Germany, 2007. - Abstr. P. 15.
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. Clinical aspects of the effective pathogenetic treatment of patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis // Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology. - Dresden, Germany, 2007. - Abstr. P. 19.
- Turumina H.E., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. Decrease of the portal blood flow in the patients with biliary diseases // Falk Symposium No.161 "Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology. - Dresden, Germany, 2007. - Abstr. P. 20.
- Golubev S.S., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Raevskaja L.Ju. The expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in the gallbladder wall of the patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1. – Abstr. 31.
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. The restoration of the functional and metabolic state of hepato-biliary system in the patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis before and after pathogenetic treatment // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc. 1.Abstr. 32.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V. The functional state of hepato-biliary system in the patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis in the stage of exacerbation // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc. 1. – Abstr. 33.
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M. The clinical aspects of the pathogenetic treatment of the patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1. - Abstr. 34.
- Kulinsky V.I., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Leonova Z.A. The blood glutathione system in the patients with biliary diseases // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1.– Abstr. 35.
- Turumina H.E., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. The changes of the portal blood flow in the patients with biliary diseases // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1. – Abstr. 36.
- Kosilko S.A., Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L. The immunological changes in the patients with biliary diseases // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1.-Abstr. 37.
- Turumin J.L., Kozlova N.M., Utyasheva E.B. The serum lipids level in the patients with biliary diseases // Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica: Abstracts Book of XIXth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology. - Oostende, Belgium, 2007. - Vol. 70. - Fasc.1.-Abstr. 38.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V., Kulinsky V.I., Leonоva Z.A., Madaev V.V. The functional disorders in liver and gallbladder in the patients with biliary diseases // XII Japan-Russian Medical Exchange Symposium: Abstract Supplement. - Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2005. - P. 527-528.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumina H.E., Turumin J.L., Utyasheva E.B., Barachovscaya T.V. The peculiarities of the serum lipids spectrum and the portal blood flow in the patients with biliary diseases // XII Japan-Russian Medical Exchange Symposium: Abstract Supplement. - Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2005. - P 528-529.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumina H.E., Turumin J.L., Utyasheva E.B. The increase of the serum lipids level and decrease of the portal blood flow in the pts with biliary diseases // ХII World Congress of Gastroenterology: Abstracts II; Poster Presentations. - Montreal, Canada, 2005. - Abstr. 146 173 P.
- Kozlova N.M., Kulinsky V.I., Galeev Y.M., Popov M.V., Leonоva Z.A., Turumin J.L. Chronic intrahepatic and intragallbladder cholestasis are two main factors for gallstones formation // ХII World Congress of Gastroenterology: Abstracts II; Poster Presentations. - Montreal, Canada, 2005. - Abstr. 146 131 P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Goldberg O.A., Turumina H.E., Kozlova N.M. Role of the gallbladder in human // The Eleventh International Symposium of the Japan-Russia Medical Exchange 2004: Abstract (II) Supplement. – Niigata, Japan, 2004. – Abstr. 367.
- Kozlova N.M., Turumin J.L., Kulinsky V.I., Leonova Z.A., Jacobson Ya.A. The influence of Essliver fortae on the lipid spectrum and the glutathione system in blood in the patients with biliary pathology // The Eleventh International Symposium of the Japan-Russia Medical Exchange 2004: Abstract (II) Supplement. – Niigata, Japan, 2004. – P. 368.
- Kozlova N.M., Kulinsky V.I, Leonova Z.A., Turumin J.L. The changes in the blood glutathione system in the patients with biliary diseases after pathogenetic treatment // The Eleventh International Symposium of the Japan-Russia Medical Exchange 2004: Abstract (II) Supplement. – Niigata, Japan, 2004. – Abstr. 369.
- Cherkashina A.L., Reut Ju.A., Shanturov V.A., Turumina H.E., Tarabrin A.L., Turumin J.L. Relationships between serum lipids and the function of the liver and gallbladder in patients with ischaemic heart disease // 8th International Congress on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy: Abstr. Book. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999. - Abstr. 79 P.
- Lepekhova S.A., Goldberg O.A., Turumin J.L., Aparcin K.A. Liver structure and functions restore after xenotransplantation of embryonic hepatocytes in acute toxic injury // XXVIth Pan American Congress of Digestive Diseases. Gastr-99 of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology: Abstr. Book. - Vancouver, Canada, 1999. - Abstr. 350 P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L. Relationships between serum lipids before and after cholecystectomy in patients with gallstone disease // XV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids and Cholestasis": Abstr. Book. - Titisee, Germany, 1998. - Abstr. 73 P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L. Relationships between serum lipids before and after cholecystectomy in patients with gallstone disease // 11th World Congress of Gastroenterology: Abstr. Book. - Vienna, Austria, 1998. - Abstr. 1254 P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A. Role of the gallbladder in mammals // XIX Congress of the Latin American Federation of the International College of Surgeons: Final Program. - La Paz, Bolivia, 1997. - Abstr. 53.
- Maltsev A.B., Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Turumina E.A., Chizhova E.A. Nonsurgical treatment of destructive cholecystitis // XXX World Congress of the International college of Surgeons. - Kyoto, Japan, 1996. - Abstr. 83.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L. The decrease of the serum lipids after cholecystectomy in-patients with hypercholesterolemia IIa and gallstone disease // XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application". - Freiburg, Germany, 1996. - Abstr. 100P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Tarabrin A.L., Maltsev A.B., Turumina E.A. The change of the serum lipids after contact chemical litholysis of cholesterol gallstones by MTBE // XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application". - Freiburg, Germany, 1996. - Abstr. 101P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A. Pathogenesis and treatment of cholesterol gallstone disease // XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application". - Freiburg, Germany, 1996. - Abstr. 104P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A. The disturbance of the gallbladder bile formation in-patients with cholesterol gallstone disease // XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application". - Freiburg, Germany, 1996. - Abstr. 105P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L. Low level of Ch-HDL as risk factor for cholesterol gallstone disease // XIV International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases - Basic Research and Clinical Application". - Freiburg, Germany, 1996. - Abstr. 106P.
- Maltsev A.B., Shanturov V.A., Chizhova E.A., Turumina E.A., Turumin J.L. The modern approaches in the treatment of destructive cholecystitis // The 4th Russian-Japan International Medical Symposium. - Irkutsk, Russia, 1996. - Abstr. 114P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. I. Transformation of anhydrous cholesterol (ChA) into cholesterol monohydrate (ChM) // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 4P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. II. Working hypothesis: cholesterol exchange physiology in normal // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 5P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. III. Working hypothesis: cholesterol exchange pathophysiology in cholesterol gallstone disease // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 6P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. IV. Working hypothesis: cholesterol exchange pathophysiology in hypercholesterolemia // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 7P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L., Maltsev A.B. The change of the serum lipids after cholecystectomy (CE) in patients with gallstone disease (GSD) // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 42P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Maltsev A.B., Turumina E.A. Chemical litholysis of cholesterol gallstones in the management of destructive cholecystitis // Falk Symposium No. 84: "Bile acids - Cholestasis – Gallstones. Advances in Basic and Clinical Bile Acid Research": Abstracts. - Berlin, Germany, 1995. - Abstr. 57P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Chikotejev S.P., Tarabrin A.L., Maltsev A.B. The change of the serum lipids after cholecystectomy (CE) in patients with gallstone disease (GSD) // 2nd International Conference on Gallstones: Causes and Management: Programme and Abstracts. - Tel Aviv, Israel, 1995. - Abstr. 15P.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Maltsev A.B., Turumina E.A. Interventional ultrasonography in the treatment of destructive cholecystitis // XIX Congress of the International College of Surgeons. Abstracts. - Tenerife, Spain, 1995. - Abstr. 12.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Maltsev A.B., Turumina E.A. CT and USG in the diagnosis of hepatic hemobilimas (HHB) // XIX Congress of the International College of Surgeons. Abstracts. - Tenerife, Spain, 1995. - Abstr. 14.
- Shanturov V.A., Turumin J.L., Maltsev A.B., Turumina E.A. Chemical litholysis of cholesterol gallstones in the treatment of destructive cholecystitis // The 1995 Winter Conference of United States Section of International College of Surgeons “Supercharge Your Practice”: Scientific Programme and Abstracts. - Puerto Rico, USA, 1995. - Abstr. 14.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. III. A new concept on the pathogenesis of the cholesterol gallstone disease // Falk Symposium No. 80. XIII International Bile Acid Meeting "Bile Acids in Gastroenterology: Basic and Clinical Advances": Abstr. Book. - San Diego, USA, 1994. - Abstr. 123.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. I. Molecular peculiarities of anhydrous cholesterol transformation into cholesterol monohydrate // X World Congresses of Gastroenterology: Abstracts II; Poster Presentations. - Los Angeles, USA, 1994. - Abstr. 2581P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. II. A new concept of cholesterol exchange physiology // X World Congresses of Gastroenterology: Abstracts II; Poster Presentations. - Los Angeles, USA, 1994. - Abstr. 2582P.
- Turumin J.L., Shanturov V.A., Chikotejev S.P., Grigorjev E.G. III. A new concept on the pathogenesis of the cholesterol gallstone disease // X World Congresses of Gastroenterology: Abstracts II; Poster Presentations. - Los Angeles, USA, 1994. - Abstr. 2583P.
- Turumin J.L., Nikiforov S.B., Gritskikh G.L., Chupin S.P. The cholestanol/cholesterol ratio is increased in the bile of patients with cholesterol gallstones and in the centers of stones // 41th Annual Postgraduate Course and Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Disease “Biliary Lipids, Proteins and Gallstone Formation”. - Chicago, USA, 1990. Abstr. 258.
- Kodati V.R., Tu A., Turumin J.L. Raman spectroscopic identification of uric-acid-type kidney stone // Applied Spectroscopy. - 1990. - Vol. 44. - No. 7. - P. 1134-1136.
- Krikshtopaitis M.J., Chupin S.P., Turumin J.L., Nikiforov S.B., Salenko V.L., Kun O.B., Vjalkov A.I., Fedorova L.S. Capillary gas chromatographic determination of cholestanol // Hepatology R.L.R. - 1989. - Vol. 19. - No. 2. - P. VIII-IX.
- Krikshtopaitis M.J., Chupin S.P., Turumin J.L., Nikiforov S.B., Salenko V.L., Kun O.B., Vjalkov A.I., Fedorova L.S. Hypercholestanolcholia - a risk indicator in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone disease // Hepatology R.L.R. - 1989. - Vol. 19. - No. 2. - P. X-XI.
- Krikshtopaitis M.J., Chupin S.P., Turumin J.L., Nikiforov S.B., Salenko V.L., Kun O.B., Vjalkov A.I., Fedorova L.S. The influence of noncholesterol bile sterols on the cholesterol monohydrate crystal nucleation // Hepatology R.L.R. - 1989. - Vol. 19. - No. 2. - P. XII-XIII.
I am sincerely grateful for scientific discussion of research work which took place in 1988-1998, and for kindly presented scientific articles by Professors M.C. Carey (Harvard University, Boston, USA), J.L. LaMont (Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, USA), R.T. Holzbach (Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA), S.P. Lee (Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle, USA), A.F. Hofmann (University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA), H. Fromm (The G. Washington University Medical Center, Washington, USA), H.A. Pitt (Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, USA), G. Salen (University of Medicine, Newark, USA), P.F. Malet (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA), W.E. Connor (Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, USA), B.R. MacPherson (Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA), P.R.C. Harvey and S.M. Strasberg (Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada), F. Nervi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile), J.C. Montet and J.C. Hauton (U31 and U130 INSERM, Marseille, France), A.K. Groen, J.A.G. Drapers and G.N.J. Tytgat (Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), B.J. Koopman (University Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands), G.P. Van Berge-Henegouwen and M.F.J. Stolk (University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands), R.H. Dowling (St. Thomas' Hospital Campus,London, England, UK), T.C. Northfield (St. George's Hospital, London, UK), T.A. Miettinen (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland), I. Bjorkhem (Hudding University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden), S. Sahlin, K. Einarsson and C. Einarsson (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden), K. Nilsell (Karolinska Institute, Huddinge University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden), M.S. Buchmann (institute of Clinical Biochemistry, Rikshospital, Oslo, Norway), U. Wosiewitz (University Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany), D. Jungst (Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany), G. Paumgartner (University of Munich, Munich, Germany), K. Chijiiwa (Miyazaki University School of Medicine, Kiyotake, Miyazaki, Japan), J. Shoda (Institute of Clinical Medicine, The University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan), S. Tazuma (Hiroshima University Hospital and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan) and etc
I would like to express my feeling of gratitude towards to Professor J.D. Ostrow (Veterans Administration Lakeside Medical center, Chicago, USA) for the scientific discussion and help in publishing the theses at the 41th Annual Postgraduate Course and Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Disease “Biliary Lipids, Proteins and Gallstone Formation” (Chicago, USA, 1990)
Also, I would like to express my appreciation to Professor A. Tu (Colorado State University, Colorado, USA for help in publishing the article.
I would like to thank Professor M.J. Krikshtopaitis (Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania) for scientific discussion on cholestanol, and also for help in the publishing articles.
The author shows deep respect towards Dr. Dr. H. Falk and Falk Foundation e.V. for kindly presented the chemical reagents and scientific information, and also for opportunity to participate in Falk-Symposiums, as well.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Horst-Dietmar Tauschel (Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH) for constant help and support in realization of different scientific researches, full-fledged scientific discussion, which took place in 1988-2009.
I am most grateful to Professor V.A. Shanturov (Institute of Surgery, the Scientific Centre of Reconstructive-restorative Surgery, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Medical Science) for constant help and support in realization of different scientific investigations, full-fledged scientific discussion, which took place in 1988-2001.
I would like to express my appreciation for critical remarks of some fragments of scientific work (2001-2009) and kindly presented scientific articles to Professors R.V. Rege (UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA), H.A. Pitt (Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, USA), J.D. Ostrow (Univ. Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA), K.J. Maurer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA), E.A. Shaffer (University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada), F. Nervi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile), N. Méndez-Sánchez (Medica Sur Clinic and Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico), F.M. Konikoff (Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Minerva Center for Cholesterol Gallstones and Lipid Metabolism in the Liver, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel), C. Einarsson (Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden), D. Jungst (Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany), J. Shoda (Institute of Clinical Medicine, The University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan), M. Makishima (Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan), T. Mori (School of Medicine, Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan), F. Lammert (University Hospital Bonn, University of Bonn,Bonn, Germany), Tian-Quan HAN (Shanghai Insitute of Digestive Surgery, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China), A.M.M. Eggermont (Erasmus University Medical Center, Daniel Den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), D.L. Morton (John Wayne Cancer Institute at Saint John's Health Center, Santa Monica, USA), and etc.